Friday, October 7, 2011

The dark side of a data

Working with data is an important part of the data mining process. What is the meaning of the data you have? yes, I understand that many ways to answer this question - it's up to you to take the source of an answer through written documents, database schemas, metadata system, ask the database administrator and system analyst who knows the answer, whether through a very detailed documentation, but the information remains true on that data.

there are misconceptions or misunderstandings that data mining requires data that is very good and perfect, you should understand that in the analysis, a perfection is an enemy that warrant concern, exploring data and building a model will highlight information that is often not known before, initiated a process with the available data do not necessarily produce a good model, but if the process is repeated and improved every time with new data available, it will produce a model that will become even better.

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